Wardriving Introduction & Kismet 6 GHz

As we continue on our wireless journey, let's explore WiFi6/E, learn about wardriving and configure supporting toolchains.…

Explorations into Wi-Fi6/E

New Wi-Fi standards mean security pros need to know the nuances. Learn about Wi-Fi 6E, tuning to 6 GHz, packet capture, and quick analysis. Check out our new post!…

Android vs. The Terminator

We had a little bit of downtime and played a CTF at Kernelcon 24. Did pretty well and started writing up some of the challenges. This is one pertaining to Android.…

The Covert Hardware Implant: Part 2

In Part 1 of this series, we took you through the hardware build. Now we work through making it operational for your next Red Team engagement.…

The Covert Hardware Implant: Part 1

Get your Dremel ready and hone your soldering skills. The STACKTITAN team is demonstrating the process to take a readily available surge protector and repurpose it into a covert hardware implant suitable for most any Red Team operation.…