Wardriving Introduction & Kismet 6 GHz

As we continue on our wireless journey, let's explore WiFi6/E, learn about wardriving and configure supporting toolchains.…

Explorations into Wi-Fi6/E

New Wi-Fi standards mean security pros need to know the nuances. Learn about Wi-Fi 6E, tuning to 6 GHz, packet capture, and quick analysis. Check out our new post!…

Practical Physical Exploitation Course Review

"The Practical Physical Exploitation course is well worth the time, money, and effort. The instructors have built an excellent offering that is a true 'zero to hero' style course that not only new pentesters, but seasoned professionals would both gain value from attending."…

The Covert Hardware Implant: Part 2

In Part 1 of this series, we took you through the hardware build. Now we work through making it operational for your next Red Team engagement.…

The Covert Hardware Implant: Part 1

Get your Dremel ready and hone your soldering skills. The STACKTITAN team is demonstrating the process to take a readily available surge protector and repurpose it into a covert hardware implant suitable for most any Red Team operation.…