Android vs. The Terminator

We had a little bit of downtime and played a CTF at Kernelcon 24. Did pretty well and started writing up some of the challenges. This is one pertaining to Android.…

Hardware-Hacking: Lifting Firmware

Join us as we explore a technique to lift firmware from hardware. This is the first of many hardware hacking topics that the STACKTITAN team will be sharing and hope that it inspires you to crack open and investigate that perfectly functional router on your desk.…

Postman+Burp Macros and Asymmetrical API Testing

This post will walkthrough using Postman+Burp macros to test asymmetrical APIs…

Code Survival: Debug a Compiled DLL

An introduction to using VS2017, DotPeek and ILSpy in order to debug and step-through a compiled DLL.…